Tag Archive | positive

Inspiration Quote 04

Inspiration Quote 03

“Associate only with positive, focused people who you can learn from and who will not drain your valuable energy with uninspiring attitudes. By developing relationships with those committed to constant improvement and the pursuit of the best that life has to offer, you will have plenty of company on your path to the top of […]

Happiness comes from within

I love to be happy and love to see smiles on others’ faces. Being happy is simple which everyone can achieve it. Below listed my own opinions on how to be happy based on what I have seen and been through. Be positive in all situations Seek the positive or the beautiful side of every […]

Untitled 03

Whenever I look at Angel Han Yu’s daily life pictures, she seems to really know how to enjoy life, always be happy and bright. I admire that. I like people who always stay positive and be happy. Life is really short so we should make out the most of it, live our lives to the […]

Create your own happiness

I used to call myself a happiness pursuer. I have always emphasized on being happy and I told myself pursuing happiness is the way to be happy. Years later, I found out that I was wrong. Happiness depends upon ourselves, said Aristotle. I noticed that when I have a positive mind, a positive behavior, I’m […]


26 September 2012 It is kind of ironic that, negative things or words always impress people intensely compared to positive things or words. Negativity always plays their role well in depressing people, whereas positivity does not always play their role well, unless the character is a tough soldier. Why so? Life is short, really short. […]